Ниже представлен текст торговой системы для US Bonds «25х25» в кодах Omega Trade Station 2000i

{"25" BOND SYSTEM Copyright Jan 1998 Chuck Le Beau & Terence Tan}

If ADX(14) > 20 and DMIPlus(14) > DMIMinus(14) and RSI(C,4) < 50 then buy

C + 18 points stop;

If marketposition = 1 then begin

If barssinceentry >= 24 then exitlong Lowest(L, 2) stop;

Exitlong ("L25") Lowest(L, 25) stop;

if C> entryprice+( 5*Avgtruerange(45)) then exitlong lowest(l,2)stop;


{$2,500 stop}

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